It's Your Money
Keep More of It

CSSI is the Premier engineering-based cost segregation firm in America. 


CSSI is the Premier company for engineering-based cost segregation studies in North America.

Our objective at CSSI is to facilitate maximum tax savings to improve your cash flow and allow your business to grow, evolve, and flourish. With more than 40,000 studies completed to date, our team of professionals ensures maximum tax savings. 


Does My Property Qualify?

  1. Yes, if you have newly constructed a building, or own an existing building.
  2. Yes, if you have completed renovations on your building.
  3. Yes, if your building and renovation cost basis is more than $200,000.
  4. Yes, if you anticipate holding the asset for at least three years.

What Would You do with Extra Cash?

Cost segregation is the method of re-classifying components of your commercial building from real property to personal property. This process allows assets to be depreciated on a 5, 7,or 15 year schedule, instead of the traditional 27.5 and 39 year schedule. Thus, your taxable income will be greatly reduced, and your cash flow could increase by 5% to 8% of your building cost.

Increase Cash Flow
Spend Less on Taxes
Stay Compliant
Don't Throw Money in the Trash

What People are Saying

AICPA: The Best of Both Worlds

“Selecting a firm that uses qualified professionals with years of significant, relevant experience can be an important differentiator in the quality of a cost segregation study.”

William Edward Allen III, CPA & Mary B. Foster, Esq.

The bottom line speaks for itself... CSSI saved us over $500,000 in cash. In these economic times, no one in business can afford to let that kind of money slip away.
A taxpayer can substantially increase cash flow by segregating property costs. Cost segregation can provide real estate purchasers with tremendous tax benefits from accelerated depreciation deductions and easier write-offs when an asset becomes obsolete, broken or destroyed.
J. D. Soled, JD
LLM & Charles E. Falk, JD, CPA
Thank you so much CSSI! Without the influx of cash I received from my reduced tax payment, I would have had to close my new location. You literally saved my business. I will forever be grateful.
~J. S.

Our Recent Projects

We maximize the depreciation deduction for a variety of commercial properties, residential rentals and short-term rentals (STR).

Dental Office
Purchase Price: $1,509,000
First Year Tax Savings: $236,373


Fast Food Restaurant
Purchase Price: $1,335,000
First Year Tax Savings: $243,296


Apartment Building
Purchase Price: $34, 112,436
First Year Tax Savings: $3,440,123


Self Storage Facility
Purchase Price: $4,052,325
First Year Tax Savings: $412,025
